At Tree Sprites we live in the spirit of wonder,
imagination, creativity and play.
In our “home away from home” environment creativity is fostered through imaginative play, music, movement, games, stories, and artistic activities. We spend most of our day outside enjoying our enchanted urban farm. We lovingly care for the farm animals, harvest vegetables from the garden, and enjoy plenty of free time to explore the natural world.
Tree Sprites Playgarden Preschool is inspired through the philosophy and principles of Waldorf Education and Lifeways North America.
Our Fiber Farm
Felt from wool is considered to be the oldest known textile. Kids love to explore the wonderfully tactile and visual beauty of natural fibers. Textiles are a basic necessity and yet how often do we stop to appreciate the process behind so many everyday objects from the clothes we wear to the beautiful woven rugs we walk upon? Here at Tree Sprites, we explore various fiber art projects using fiber from our mini homestead fiber farm, including angora rabbits and mohair from angora goats.

“Receive the children in reverence; educate them in love; let them go forth in freedom.”
Rudolf Steiner
“I believe the most important element in a parent-caregiver relationship is trust!
While i am not there, i want to be 100% sure the person taking care of my child is gentle, loving and attentive and will reliably and promptly respond to any needs my child is expressing while i am not there. While chickens, goats, dogs, cats and a lovely garden are a beautiful decor they are still only that, while the true quality of the care given lies in the integrity and capacity to love of the caregiver.
I have known Teresa as a homeschooling mother, and as my older children’s nature craft teacher for several years, I have also visited almost 20 preschools in Marin as well as have experienced a couple of quality home daycare preschools with my older children, yet when Teresa decided to re-open the doors of “Treesprites” it was with her i wanted my child to stay!I felt she would truly be present with him, tell me the truth, model love and care for him, facilitate positive interactions between him and his little colleagues, and for me as a parent be straightforward and easy to communicate with. My experience was 100% positive.
My youngest child communicates preferences clearly and speaks about Teresa, things they did together, missing her and wanting to see her again. I feel i made the best choice i could have for him, and feel thankful that his first ever experience outside of his family was so positive, so “real” (as in “grown ups” who truly deserve that label and truly put the main focus on the child’s nurturing), and yet preserving the magical qualities of that age, seeing little chickens hatch and searching the chicken coop for eggs.Anyone looking for a connective, creative, deeply caring environment for their child will appreciate what Teresa has to offer i believe.”
Tree Sprites has been such a wonderful experience for our son and our family. We moved our son to Tree Sprites after he had become very resistant to school and was starting to say “he didn’t like school” at his previous preschool. Teresa was so patient and wonderful helping him transition to his new school. Though he cried shortly, at drop off, at the beginning; everyday at pickup he would be bursting with excitement about all of the incredible things they had done at school that day. From planting potatoes, to making felt crafts, to engaging puppet shows, to making delicious bread and soup, to feeding and caring for the animals, to playing in the sandbox…the list goes on and on. Teresa is an amazing teacher, and relates to the kids as individuals. Our son says his favorite days of the week are Tuesday and Thursday, and he asks us frequently “when will he get to go to school again?” We feel so fortunate that we were able to give our son such a love of school at Tree Sprites. We will definitely be sending our daughter to Tree Sprites, once she is old enough. We cannot recommend Tree Sprites and Teresa highly enough! We will truly miss Teresa and Tree Sprites next year.

“I sincerely believe that for the child, and for the parent seeking to guide him, it is not half so important to know as to feel when introducing a young child to the natural world. If facts are the seeds that later produce knowledge and wisdom, then the emotions and the impressions of the senses are the fertile soil in which the seeds must grow. The years of early childhood are the time to prepare the soil.” -Rachel Carson

Below are some frequently asked questions from parents regarding our Preschool and Summer Camp.

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Email us today to schedule a tour of the school or camp.